Quality Standards


ANCIS (Italian National Association for Certification and Quality Assurance of Services Companies) is the Certifying Agency chosen by Yellow Hub to certify its translation and interpreting services and workflow processes. Yellow Hub has been certified by ANCIS since 1996 for processes: UNI EN ISO 9001:2015; for translation services: ISO 17100; and for interpreting services: UNI EN 10574.

ISO 9001:2015 Certification

ISO 17100:2017 Certification

UNI 10574:2007 Certification


Yellow Hub has adopted the Organisational Model established by Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, hereinafter referred to as Legisl. Decr. 231. This organisational, management and control model ensures fairness and transparency for all activities of legal entities on topics  such as corruption and fraud, particularly in relations with the Public Administration. The Code of Ethics adopted by Yellow Hub is based on these principles. It is a code of corporate conduct that witnesses the commitment of all corporate figures and the responsibility of executives in these areas. Yellow Hub’s organisational model Legisl. Decr. 231  is standardised with ISO 9001:2015 standard that has been adopted by the company, and is subjected to an internal and external control system through the Surveillance Body (OdV).


Yellow Hub is the centre for Trinity College examination no. 61840.

Trinity College London is a British certifying entity. Based in London, it is acknowledged by universities, companies and government institutions both in Italy and worldwide. In Italy it is acknowledged by the Italian Ministry of Education as an entity that meets requirements to acknowledge the validity of certifications for language and communication skills in a foreign language for personnel in schools (Decree 07.03.2012, Prot. 3889 and update with Director’s Decree Prot. 787 of 22.07.2015).